I'm still working on the Boku afghan. I should have the squares done this week then I have to block them like crazy to get all the "bumps" out and sew it together. I'll decide about the edging after it is together and I can see if I want to use the remnants of all the blocks for a variegated effect or go with one solid color.
After that I am thinking of immersing myself in sock knitting. I am sooooo jealous of all the goings on for the Sock Summit. I wish I didn't live a continent away from Portland and could attend. Maybe next year it will be on the east coast.
We start vacation time with a vengeance tomorrow. Nathan will have his first golfing day with the youth golf league. It is supposed to rain and possibly thunderstorm tomorrow, so we shall see if they actually play. It may be an on and off rain that lets them play or more like today that is a steady drizzle. I'm not sure if they would call it off for the day so we will play it by ear and be on stand by to pick him up.
BAD DOG got out again possibly through a hole she dug by the back fence so DH is reinforcing it again!!! Hard to keep her in when she wants to get out!