Transitioning from winter wools to summer shorts is never a gradual process in our area. It usually happens so quickly you haven't gotten out the summer duds or put away the boots. Snow and frost can happen well into May, so tender annuals can't go in the ground too soon.
I potted most of my seeds; zinnias and sunflowers, beets and beans. I like to start them growing in pots before I transplant them in the garden to give them a head start and keep the bunnies away from their tender new shoots.
I finished a pair of socks for myself this weekend and started another pair. I have to add to my drawer as I had 4 pair that developed holes on the heels. I think one of my pairs of boots had a spot that wore them through. I'll have to replace them before next winter. My favorite pair, of course.
The Kroy striped sock yarn is usually free from knots, but one skein had several knots and I was worried I would have two non matched socks (hate that!) but it didn't turn out too badly, just a little difference in the toe, that only I will notice if I keep my shoes on!
I put another sock on the needles as soon as I finished the Kroy. It is a limited edition Kertzer in blues and purples. I think I might do a pattern as the pair I did for DD#3 pooled a bit. Got to be an easy pattern as I take these socks with me everywhere and work on them when I have a spare moment.
I have three sweaters in the almost finished pile that I am going to commit here to finishing this week.
1. Pat's cardigan has the buttonhole band to be finished and the side seams to sew up.
2. My striped Tempest has to be sewn up and the button band and collar done. Hmmm! That one could take a while. Maybe that's why it's been unfinished.
3. My Dahlia cardigan has one sleeve partially finished. Once both sleeves are done it is completely done and that is a good thing.
Maybe one week is too ambitious. I'll just devote myself to these three projects and see how long they take.
I'll check in next Monday with a progress report.
Free day, one of the kids is sick. We have a bowling banquet tonight so no cooking tonight! A really free day!