We managed to get through the past few weeks and came out the other side not too much the worse for wear!
Lots of kid time due to half days and Spring break, parents needed sleep-overs for little ones because of other commitments, so we were busy. They are very easy, now that they are older but it still cuts into our down time.
It is really getting to be spring, even though the temperatures aren't heating us up too much. The huge ice cover on the Great Lakes is going to mean a much cooler summer (probably) and a later spring. The ice boom is still in and likely to remain until mid May.
Still there is color and a greening up of trees that is very good to see. Magnolia blossoms fill the little tree.
Forsythias are everywhere.
And the daffodils make me so happy. I really need to plant more bulbs in the fall. I miss my tulips and could really use a lot more early spring color in my garden.
Media Monday
What we are watching:
"House of Cards" second season - just when you thought Frank couldn't get any worse, he does!
"Turn" watched the first two episodes and love it
"Castle" somehow we missed this series, so we got the first season from Netflix and are now hooked. Into the second season now.
"Call the Midwife" It is streaming on Netflix and I watched the first two episodes when hubby was out. Didn't think this was my cup of tea, but I love it. Couldn't knit while it was playing as I needed my tissues.
Still to watch- the second season of "Orphan Black".
We keep talking about cutting the cable cord. It is doable, I think, if we get an antenna to pull in news and sports. We watch the news and then programs that we have DVR'd each night or that we get streaming. CBS series are the only one's that I can't figure out how to get without the cable. That would be "The Good Wife" and "The Mentalist" and "The Big Bang Theory".
What I've been reading:
Hit a reading slump and just couldn't get into my books. I think because I had binge-read my way through the Julia Spencer-Fleming series, every book I picked up after that just didn't get my attention. I tried some tricks that the "Books on the Nightstand" podcast suggested. I picked up the Dean Koontz' book "Velocity" and that got me going again.
Just finished the newest Anna Pigeon "Destroyer Angel" Very good, very violent.
"A Time to Kill" audio book. Have "Sycamore Row" to listen to, and hadn't read this before. It was okay.
I am on a bit of a Steven King binge right now. Listening to "The Shining" which I read in the '70's. It is still very creepy. I am going to listen to "Dr. Sleep" next and thought that I would refresh my memory of the original. I think I remember the movie version better than the book. I am also reading "Different Seasons".
So I think I am out of the slump. I have "The Rosie Project" to read before Saturday (curse 7 day new materials checkout from the library).
7 hours ago