The start of a new year makes me aware of new beginnings. The busyness of the holiday season, from Thanksgiving to New Years, settles down and there is a stretch of two months where we settle in and watch and wait with plenty of time to plan out the year and set goals.
Not too many goals this year and not too out of reach for me.
I use the first days of the year to clean out my knitting, sort out the projects that I left at the beginning of Christmas, tidy up the project bags and reclaim needles that have gone astray.
A wild spree of buying self-striping sock yarn has given me motivation to see if I can actually knit it. So here are the twelve that I would like to have completed by the end of the year. One pair a month? Does that leave me with any time to do anything else? Not sure if it will get done-maybe. Got to have hope!😉
Pretty, right? Knit Pick's Felici. Love the socks it makes, soft and really pretty. Four pair for Hubby and eight pair that can be for me or other girls in the family, birthday and Christmas presents maybe.
I managed to read 27 books last year, 11,175 pages (I love Goodreads it keeps track). I set my goal to 35 for this year. I really should be able to get to that many.
Here are the first three books I picked out:
Picking new books and books I never got around to. "The Handmaid's Tale" is on a lot of best book lists and I loved "The Blind Assassin" so giving that a go right now.
We have come to the conclusion that network TV just doesn't do it for us any more. The production quality, story lines are just bad. "Game of Thrones" and "The Walking Dead" "Sherlock", spoil you. So now we watch the original shows on Hulu and Netflix and I am really in love with Amazon Prime. We just finished "Goliath" (very good) and started "The Man in the High Castle" and "Mozart in the Jungle", both very good so far.
7 hours ago