Monday, September 29, 2008


It is amazing that two weeks made such a difference in my garden. The time we were in WV has seen fall really take over the backyard. The birds seem to have quieted. The three hummingbirds that have had fighting matches over the feeders must have begun their migration. The finches have their brown feathers on, so everything seems a little duller in the cosmos patch. The sunflowers are big seedy heads waiting to be harvested for the winter birds and I miss their yellow smiley faces.

On the plus side, the dahlias and asters have come into their time and are spectacular and the trees are turning. Fall is my favorite time of year and I love the crisp, cool days and the bright edge the sun seems to have. I'm really looking forward to our week at Letchworth starting Oct 6th. It is usually too early to catch the peak of the leaves when we go, but it is nice to see the subtle changes day by day. This year promises great color because of all the rain we had this past summer.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Back From West Virginia

Baby Dante arrived on September 6th and we went down to West Virginia to help out the parents and the 3 sisters. We stayed until the 19th and had a wonderful time getting accquainted with the new baby. The girls were good, as usual and Jen was feeling much better when we left.

I knew she was doing better when I went into the kitchen one morning and found she had made a batch of bread!
I brought the two large receiving blankets* I made, the blue and white afghan, the white afghan and the baby kimono from Mason-Dixon Knitting. I made two hats from the cream and navy yarn that I made the kimonos in. I didn't finish the navy sweater until I returned home, so I will mail it out tomorrow with a bunch of 3 month size clothes that I bought yesterday.
The postal person delivered a bucket of mail that had accumulated for two weeks and I received my replacement cable for my Options needles and my latest yarn from Knit Picks. It is the Palette Sampler and the yarn for DH's argyle vest. I ordered the third Palette sampler ( Warm Colors) when we returned. I think that is all I'm going to order until I have some things completed!

Purchase one and a quarter yards of flannel. Wash it. Fold one corner over to form a square and cut off the excess. Hem all four sides with a half inch hem. Makes a receiving blanket that is approximately 40 inches square which is a much better size than the ones you purchase.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I had the unthinkable happen yesterday when I took out my brand new 32" cable needle from Knitpicks to attempt a "magic loop" for a baby hat. The cable came out of the metal end!
I was horrified. I had read about this happening, but never had a bit of a problem with any of the Options needles in the two years I have had and used them. (Is it super grandmother strength from all the barbell lifting I have been doing?) I called the wonderful customer service department who will be sending me out a replacement.

I am on the sixth repeat of the baby blanket for li'l Dante and have to finish up the baby sweater. I think I will sew in velcro for the fastening and sew on a button on the outside. I had a little trouble getting started on the magic loop hat ( I always feel "fumble fingered" when I try a new process) but now find it a breeze. This is the technique I will use when I get around to the socks.

Not looking like I will be making socks for Christmas presents as I planned. I took a realistic look at the items in my queue on Ravelry and have to admit knitting 24 hours a day is not in the cards. I make myself crazy by planning on having things done in a specific time frame and I know it. Two Christmases ago I made all the kids sweaters. I did get them all done but didn't enjoy the process with a deadline staring me in the face (too reminiscent of work). Last year I made them all slippers and had greater sucess and less stress. I would like to make them smocked ornaments with their names on, but I think I have left it to late. I will make one for the new baby and whoever else I have time for.

I will be making everyone afghans, no deadline. I have made one for Amy. I will go through the grandchildren chronologically, starting with Nathan. He has picked out the pattern and yarn and once I get baby knitting done he will be next.

I am ordering the yarn for DH's argyle vest today. Maybe I will actually get this done for him. I have started this project two times and never finished. Third times a charm, right?

I have half a bushel of peaches to put up, weeding to do, organizing what I will take to West Virginia with me, books to return to the library etc. etc. etc. Time to get moving