I had the unthinkable happen yesterday when I took out my brand new 32" cable needle from
Knitpicks to attempt a "
magic loop" for a baby hat. The cable came out of the metal end!
I was horrified. I had read about this happening, but never had a bit of a problem with any of the Options needles in the two years I have had and used them. (Is it super grandmother strength from all the barbell lifting I have been doing?) I called the wonderful customer service department who will be sending me out a replacement.

I am on the sixth repeat of the baby blanket for li'l Dante and have to finish up the baby sweater. I think I will sew in velcro for the fastening and sew on a button on the outside. I had a little trouble getting started on the magic loop hat ( I always feel "fumble fingered" when I try a new process) but now find it a breeze. This is the technique I will use when I get around to the socks.

Not looking like I will be making socks for Christmas presents as I planned. I took a realistic look at the items in my queue on
Ravelry and have to admit knitting 24 hours a day is not in the cards. I make myself crazy by planning on having things done in a specific time frame and I know it. Two Christmases ago I made all the kids sweaters. I did get them all done but didn't enjoy the process with a deadline staring me in the face (too reminiscent of work). Last year I made them all slippers and had greater sucess and less stress. I would like to make them smocked ornaments with their names on, but I think I have left it to late. I will make one for the new baby and whoever else I have time for.
I will be making everyone afghans, no deadline. I have made one for Amy. I will go through the grandchildren chronologically, starting with Nathan. He has picked out the pattern and yarn and once I get baby knitting done he will be next.
I am ordering the yarn for DH's argyle vest today. Maybe I will actually get this done for him. I have started this project two times and never finished. Third times a charm, right?
I have half a bushel of peaches to put up, weeding to do, organizing what I will take to West Virginia with me, books to return to the library etc. etc. etc. Time to get moving