It is amazing that two weeks made such a difference in my garden. The time we were in WV has seen fall really take over the backyard. The birds seem to have quieted. The three hummingbirds that have had fighting matches over the feeders must have begun their migration. The finches have their brown feathers on, so everything seems a little duller in the cosmos patch. The sunflowers are big seedy heads waiting to be harvested for the winter birds and I miss their yellow smiley faces.
On the plus side, the dahlias and asters have come into their time and are spectacular and the trees are turning. Fall is my favorite time of year and I love the crisp, cool days and the bright edge the sun seems to have. I'm really looking forward to our week at Letchworth starting Oct 6th. It is usually too early to catch the peak of the leaves when we go, but it is nice to see the subtle changes day by day. This year promises great color because of all the rain we had this past summer.
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