It's looking all Eastery around here.

Jordyn and I put out the Easter decorations. These are some smocked eggs I made last year. I really need to do some more smocking but there is never enough time for everything I'd like to do. Why is that? Those are the first of the daffodils that have opened. It has been too cold for more than a few to even try opening. There is a winter snow advisory for tomorrow and Tuesday, so it's not going to be springlike weather for a while. Doesn't look like we'll have an outdoor Easter egg hunt this year.
We cleared out all the weeds behind the shed and will be ordering Heritage Raspberry bushes to put there. Haven't had raspberries since our neighbor doused the ones we had at the fence line with weed killer. He didn't like the way they were crawling into his garden. We should be able to keep this patch controlled.
I'm almost finished with the argyle vest for DH. Just have to duplicate stitch the lines and knit the neck and armholes. Maybe I'll even get it done. I guess that would be a major accomplishment since I have started this vest twice before.
Will start Angel's sweater when I'm through and I am expecting my KnitPicks yarn on Monday or Tuesday to start the stranded cardigan. My first steeked garment!