Hard as it has been, I have been sticking to my knitting resolution of 2010: work through existing yarn and projects; no new purchase of yarns until 10 items have been knit; have a clear plan, month by month of what I will be working on.
For August, I really only had finishing up the two large projects, my diamond and pearl shawl and the multi-hued diagonal blanket on my project list. I did not want to even start thinking of casting on for new projects for fear of jumping ahead and starting them.
Because of a lot of knitting time this weekend, (deep breath) I have 4 rows and the bindoff to finish on the shawl and two full balls ( 3 colors) on the diagonal blanket, which should go really fast. So the end is definitely in sight for both these projects. Whirling though my head are thoughts of what to start next.
These are the two projects soon to be FO's.
This month and next, I have two birthdays. So I will have to work in the Mochimochiland bats for Serena, August bday) and the Spidey afghan for LittleD (an early September bday). Hmmm. I guess I do have August knitting queued up.
We had a very nice 3 day visit with BIL and SIL this past week. My SIL wanted me to teach her to knit socks, and in the time we had I took her through magic loop knitting, all the parts of a top down sock, right down to the toe decreases and toe grafting. We made a very small worsted weight sampler for all the techniques and I started the regular sock for her through the cuff, and sent her home with an easy to follow (I hope) vanilla sock pattern and lots of cheat sheets of different techniques.
It was hot, hot, hot while they were here so there were breaks for swimming and lots of eating, also. The boys went golfing. Nathan was watching us knit and remarked "You really like having someone to knit with, don't you Nana?" Yes, I really do. Have to get involved in a knit night or afternoon this fall.
The weather finally broke and it was in the mid 70's which may be why a lot of knitting was done this weekend. And why there are thoughts of cables and hats and mittens floating through my head.
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