This has been a very quite week or so. We have been taking down the Christmas decorations and getting the house back to normal, watching playoff games and just kind or recovering from the holidays.
There hasn't been much knitting getting done. I think I seriously hurt my fingers and wrist knitting too much, maybe too many projects on magic loop and tighter tension were the culprits.
I have to remind myself that this is what I do for fun, it's not my job and no one is going to care if I don't get miles of knitting completed in a certain amount of time. It's not a race or a competition. By not joining in any knit alongs, I avoided this last year and think I need to hold to this resolution this year. I do like to make mittens in January for the NaKniMitMo on Ravelry, but I do this just because I like knitting mittens and this group gives me a lot of great ideas and patterns for them. I don't enter the prize drawings and just do it for fun.
I made one pair already and am working on a pair of fingerless mitts for DH. I am still knitting the Advent Scarf but, again, not racing to get it done (obviously) just enjoying the knitting and the beautiful patterns in the sampler.

It's been very cold here and we have had a bit of snow almost everyday, so there is a clean white covering on everything.

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