Getting ready for the arrival of DD#1 with the 4 kids and husband and dog. They are coming on Thursday and leaving on Friday. We are having a St. Joseph's table on Saturday with a niece and nephew's family. 24 people for dinner. Wow!
I have already made the sauce and lentil soup. I am making pizelles today and cleaning bathrooms and such. We will make the artichokes on Friday, cleaning and stuffing 24 artichokes should go quickly with the four of us doing it. That is, assuming I can find 24 artichokes at the grocery store. Cooking all of them will be a bit of a challenge, but I'm sure we will figure it out. Fritatta, con Sarde (sardine sauce), St. Joseph bread, hard boiled eggs for the plain sauce, cream puffs and sfinge for dessert. Should be good.
Not much knitting going on but a lot of cooking, eating and visiting!
19 hours ago
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