With the cooler weather, kids back in school and publishers getting out their newest books, it's reading time once again. My plans for summer always include lots of reading, but the reality never comes up to my imagination.
While waiting for the latest Nora Roberts's In Death to come out next week (hurry up Sept 17th) and Louise Penny's latest Inspector Gamache to be available from the library (where I am next in line, yeah!), I picked up some titles that were recommended on the Barnes & Noble blog by Ms Penny. I started with the first book in the new (to me) Rev. Clare Furgusson series "In a Bleak Midwinter" and am loving it. This is another series set in upstate New York like the Troy Chance series I happened on this summer. Wow, two new authors with strong female main characters. I also picked up "Smilla's Sense of Snow" and the first of one of Rhys Browns' series "Her Royal Spyness". I'm really hoping I like this author as she has two other series that sound just like the cozy mysteries that make me very happy!
In the TV, movie viewing we happened upon the "Longmire" series on Netflix (have I mentioned how I could do without cable but never Netflix on demand?) We plowed through the first season (I think its called binge viewing) and thought we could get the second season on line, but other than the last few episodes or buying them on iTunes we are just going to have to wait. This is very tough, as we both really enjoyed it.
But the new season is starting this month, so I'm sure there will be plenty to watch. More than we actually have time for probably, as we only watch about 2 hours per day. Shows have to be mighty good for us to spend our TV watching time on them. I guess that is why I like Netflix, we are able to find shows that we missed on the network, not have to watch commercials so spend only about 20 or 40 minutes watching.
When complaining about the lack of vegetables in our garden this year, I forgot to mention the raspberries which are plentiful and delish! We do have to try and beat the bees to them, but this is a potion of what my DH picked yesterday. Enough to eat and freeze. That's after enough last week for raspberry pie and breakfast eating.
Not a great picture, but here"s Frankie sunning herself on the lounge chair. Silly dog!
19 hours ago
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