Last week was a perfect week for using hats. Forget about hat hair, it was so cold and windy. hats were a must.
In the crazy weather-winter we are having, there was another polar vortex on Tuesday, with wind chills in the -25 degree range, so the schools were closed. Yeah! Wednesday, it was only slightly warmer and the forecast called for it to get warmer by 11:00 a.m. Most schools remained closed but not ours! They had a two hour delay, which meant a lot of scrambling for parents. The weather forecast was very wrong. They forgot to mention that there would be snow and blowing wind all day, which made it the worst driving conditions I think I've driven in all year. It was miserable! Got everyone home safely, including two friends of the boy. It was just too cold for them to walk home. Saturday it rained! Then it got cold enough to make Hat weather indeed.
I am doing well on my stash knitdown. I have 11 items finished since the beginning of January. The remaining projects include five hats, three pairs of fingerless gloves, two cowls and a sock and a half for my Valentines socks. Small projects are really eating through the leftover yarn piles.
I have two larger projects that I am itching to get started on. Once I get through the hat and fingerless glove set for Hubby and my Valentine gloves, oh, and the hat I promised #2 Son-in-law, I will start one of them. Both of them need total concentration, so I can work on them only when I am listening to books or TV shows that don't need too much attention. That means I can have one or two of the small, portable projects when I am doing homework, waiting for appointments, riding in the car and all the other times I need mindless knitting. Who knows, maybe this year I will totally become a project knitter.
Here are some pictures:
Windschief Scarf
Lovesocks for Hubby for Valentines day.
20 hours ago
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