After a very cool and windy weekend, today feels just so Spring. Warm and sunny and perfect for.....the first grass cutting of the season. Mowed the front lawn this morning as my hubby spent the weekend getting the lawnmower ready for the season. The grass was so long, it just couldn't wait another day or I never would be able to push the mower through. Looks good and it really gives me a good workout.
The Churchmouse Easy Folded Poncho is on its way to West Virginia. I purchased 8 skeins of yarn which was more than enough according to the pattern to finish the poncho and get a matching Wurm hat out of. As I was knitting, it seemed like I was going through a lot more yarn and I panicked. I ordered 2 more skeins from KnitPicks and requested the same dye lot. They were able to send it in 3 days, which was great. However it only took a little less than 7 skeins after all. Not to worry, I might get two hats out of the remaining balls of yarn, plus it is a neutral color that will work well with making a scarf from all the rest of the scraps of City Tweed I have left over from other projects.
I modified this a bit by adding 5 knit stitches to the edging and six knitted rows to the beginning and end. I wanted to avoid the curling from just stockinette stitch but it did have to be blocked to get it to lay straight.
Media Monday.
Still catching up with all the same series. I did add another PBS or BBC series to my viewing pile. "Larkrise to Candleford" which is a charming 18th century tale of two cities, one poor, the other more middle and upper class. I was going through the DVD's at the library and picked it up there. Another free entertainment. I so want to get rid of cable.
I finished "The Shining" and it was quite a bit different than I remembered. I think I remembered the movie plot more than the book, so I'm glad I reread it before going on to Dr. Sleep.
I needed a break from Stephen King, so I loaded Diana Galbaldone's "Outlander" on my MP3 player. I have had this audiobook for a couple of years but hesitated to listen because for one thing, it is 33 hours long and for another I had attempted to read it a few years ago and gave up halfway through. The only reason I had it in my Audible library was because it was a sale item. The Knitmore Girls podcast and Ravelry group is having a read-a-long and I was encouraged to pick this up again from all the enthusiastic comments about the series. The reader is Davina Porter and although I didn't enjoy her reading on another series I listened to, she is just perfect for this one. So far I am enjoying this very much. I am about 10 hours into the story with about 23 to go.
19 hours ago
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